ACNL HairGuide Update

Animal Crossing: New Leaf got a significant update that extra amiibo support and redesignd two or three the game's structures. There's a great deal of different great amiibo that all do different things so it would all have the option to be to some degree perplexing, so the purpose of this guide is to fill in as a sort of fundamental to this new component. We'll in a perfect world have some dynamically point by point accounts in travel, yet with new amiibo releasing this week I thought it'd be perfect to get something out ASAP to clear up a lot of confusion I've been seeing.




In order to get to the new amiibo features you'll first need to find Wisp in your town. After you've initially played the game with the update applied, Wisp will fire appearing from the next day onwards. While walking around you're town you'll over the long haul be tended to by a voice. Cling to his headings and you'll find his light. You can put this in your home as a family unit thing and speak with it to bring an amiibo character, anyway phenomenal amiibo do different things. You can make one requesting of Wisp for every day.


Amiibo Figures

Inspiring news, your Animal Crossing amiibo have gotten considerably increasingly significant! If you tap any of them, by then Wisp will convey them into the new campground zone of your town. They'll stop their RV at the camp, and you can go inside to visit them. When inside, you can chat with them like a common inhabitant and purchase their furniture using MEOW tokens. A part of this furniture is specific and can't be gotten elsewhere, anyway you can simply demand three family unit things from RVs consistently.

Be advised be that as it may, as any character you get won't be available at their workplace for the whole day – so if you acquire Isabelle, for instance, you won't have the alternative to use any of the town hall's abilities. You can in like manner use the Villager's Smash Bros. amiibo, yet it will convey Wisp's RV to the campground.


Select non-Animal Crossing amiibo are in like manner impeccable with the game, which bring some half and half characters into your campground.

Any of the Inkling amiibo will consider Inkwell the Octopus and his Splatoon-themed RV. The Squid Sisters' amiibo will get an occupant who has attire and furniture themed after the specific sister. Zelda fans will be invigorated by all the different Zelda characters you can meet-Wolf Link, Link, and Zelda amiibo will obtain Wolf Link from Twilight Princess as an occupant, Ganondorf's amiibo will get Ganon, Sheik's will bring Epona, and you can in like manner call Medli with the Toon Link amiibo.

If you imported any of the Monster Hunter Stories amiibo (that will in a perfect world be given a Western release) by then you can use any of those to convey a Felyne into the campground. All of these visitors has furniture themed after their specific games, anyway it gives indications of progress – you can demand that they move into your town! If your town is starting at now full, by then you can pick someone to move in order to get the new inhabitant.

Course of action 1-4 Animal Crossing amiibo Cards

Those few Animal Crossing amiibo cards you've accumulated won't go to waste either, as all of them is impeccable with New Leaf. One of a kind Cards and average inhabitant cards work in an unforeseen manner. If you tap a Special Card (the sparkly ones with a non-occupant NPC on them like K.K. or then again Tom Nook) by then you'll have the alternative to get a thing from them, which is ordinarily a picture of them that you can appear in your home. The Special Cards work particularly to figures of a comparable character – Isabelle's figure will let you visit her RV, anyway her Special Cards won't. If you have to see a phenomenal NPC's RV, by then you'll require their amiibo doll if they have one, at any rate an other one of a kind NPC that doesn't have their own one of a kind figure will appear in your campground consistently despite any RV you call yourself. This joins characters like Booker, Jingle and Newt.


If you tap the card of a standard inhabitant, by then you can move toward them for a thing also, or get them to move into your town. In case your town is at present full, by then you can pick an inhabitant to move out all together for the upgraded one to move in. None of the standard inhabitants in Series 1-4 of the amiibo cards has a RV that you can visit, which makes their joint efforts progressively limited. Regardless, by and by I can bring Boone back and never lose him again!